sequence length 15, starting letter ο
- o ihsouV ai alwpekeV fwleouV ecousin kai ta peteina tou ouranou kataskhnwseiV o de uioV:
Lk 8098,
Mt 3970
- o kurioV tou doulou ekeinou en hmera h ou prosdoka kai en wra h ou:
Lk 10749,
Mt 14981
- o men qerismoV poluV oi de ergatai oligoi dehqhte oun tou kuriou tou qerismou opwV:
Lk 8228,
Mt 4859
- o men uioV tou anqrwpou upagei kaqwV gegraptai peri autou ouai de tw anqrwpw ekeinw:
Mk 9438,
Mt 16093
- o mh wn met emou kat emou estin kai o mh sunagwn met emou skorpizei:
Lk 9372,
Mt 6565
- o pathr oti outwV eudokia egeneto emprosqen sou panta moi paredoqh upo tou patroV mou:
Lk 8585,
Mt 6011
- o uioV tou anqrwpou ouk hlqen diakonhqhnai alla diakonhsai kai dounai thn yuchn autou lutron:
Mk 6995,
Mt 11916
- oi oikodomounteV outoV egenhqh eiV kefalhn gwniaV para kuriou egeneto auth kai estin qaumasth en:
Mk 7843,
Mt 12799
- oikodomounteV outoV egenhqh eiV kefalhn gwniaV para kuriou egeneto auth kai estin qaumasth en ofqalmoiV:
Mk 7844,
Mt 12800
- on apedokimasan oi oikodomounteV outoV egenhqh eiV kefalhn gwniaV para kuriou egeneto auth kai estin:
Mk 7841,
Mt 12797
- opisw arai to imation autou ouai de taiV en gastri ecousaiV kai taiV qhlazousaiV en:
Mk 8769,
Mt 14453
- oti egguV estin epi quraiV amhn legw umin oti ou mh parelqh h genea auth:
Mk 8978,
Mt 14722
- oti hlqen ek twn peratwn thV ghV akousai thn sofian solomwnoV kai idou pleion solomwnoV:
Lk 9537,
Mt 6829
- oti outwV eudokia egeneto emprosqen sou panta moi paredoqh upo tou patroV mou kai oudeiV:
Lk 8587,
Mt 6013
- ou prosdoka kai en wra h ou ginwskei kai dicotomhsei auton kai to meroV autou:
Lk 10757,
Mt 14989
- ouai de taiV en gastri ecousaiV kai taiV qhlazousaiV en ekeinaiV taiV hmeraiV proseucesqe de:
Mk 8774,
Mt 14458
- outoV egenhqh eiV kefalhn gwniaV para kuriou egeneto auth kai estin qaumasth en ofqalmoiV hmwn:
Mk 7845,
Mt 12801